Sunday, January 13, 2019

Zdravilne rastline ali sintetična zdravila? | SAMO KREFT | TEDxLjubljana

Zdravilna rastlina ali sintetično zdravilo? Samo pravi, da je najboljše izbrati zdravilo z znanstveno dokazanimi pozitivnimi učinki, ne glede na izvor zdravila. Samo is a full professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, where he researches and lectures on the healing effects of plants. He is known in his field as a long-term member of the European Medicines Agency and the Slovenian Medicines Agency, as well as a writer of numerous articles on healing herbs. The general public knows him by the numerous articles in various popular scientific journals, including as the author of the books Sodobna fitoterapija (Eng. Contemporary Phytotherapy) and Food Supplements. His interest in medicinal plants is grounded in the variety of fields that it combines: botany, chemistry, ecology, medicine, as well as ethnology and history. Samo is fascinated by the blurred line between researched and unexplored, evidence-based and traditional, official and alternative. 

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