Saturday, January 12, 2019

How Local Wisdom and Global Resource can help mitigate Drought | Qasim ...

Due to insufficient rains in Tharparker, drought falls over the entire desert area. Policy Maker Qasim Siraj Soomro talks about how local wisdom can be incorporated in policy to help mitigate drought. Qasim Siraj Soomro was the leader who raised his voice to throw light upon the problems Thari community was facing because of water shortage. He is the member of Provincial Assembly of Sindh and continued his struggle for the rights of the people of Thar. He stepped forward to solve the problem of water and cause of diseases and nutritious issues because of water scarcity. In his reign, he has continued to fulfill his promises and proposed schemes which are really beneficial for the people. He introduced many new projects in the area to preserve water through small dams. He has established health and secondary education facilities in thickly populated areas. He also planted solar power plan to solve the problems of people. To grow the economy of Tharparkar he has also promoted tourism industry and connected rural areas with cities though road network. His major contribution is his efforts to put Nanagarparkar in UNESCO’s list which has increased the hoped of change in Thar. 

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