Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Biometry: Seeing Is Believing | Beau Parry

I interesting review of how biometry creates a new foundation for authentication and verification Beau Parry is an accomplished inventor and real estate developer from Cincinnati, Ohio. He holds five U.S. granted patents. As a non- traditional computer science innovator, his self-taught technical skills allowed him to conceive a new foundation for authentication and verification. A proponent of biometric technologies, Parry has worked tirelessly towards creating a spoof-resistant, camera-based biometric and contextual architecture. He created the BRIVAS “variable secrets” system as a high-speed, cloud-based, spoof-resistant access solution using robust liveness detection and bio-signature key binding. Before BRIVAS, Parry researched different network access solutions as options for enterprise security. He is the father of 3 daughters. 

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