Sunday, November 24, 2019

How changing your story can change your life | Lori Gottlieb

I'm going to start by telling you about an email that I saw in my inbox recently. Now, I have a pretty unusual inbox because I'm a therapist and I write an advice column called "Dear Therapist," so you can imagine what's in there. I mean, I've read thousands of very personal letters from strangers all over the world. And these letters range from heartbreak and loss, to spats with parents or siblings. I keep them in a folder on my laptop, and I've named it "The Problems of Living." So, I get this email, I get lots of emails just like this, and I want to bring you into my world for a second and read you one of these letters. And here's how it goes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Meet The Author: Michelle Obama

Meet The Author: Michelle Obama
It was such an honour sitting down with Michelle Obama to chat about her new book Becoming, where she has bared her soul and shared her life in incredible detail. Writing WEconomy was one of the most difficult but most rewarding things I have done and that’s why I started the Meet the Author” series as really wanted to know more about other author's journeys and what inspired them to write their books. Michelle really is the most phenomenal storyteller and from the very first chapter I felt like I was there with her living her life story, especially as I was listening on audiobook with Michelle’s voice recounting the details. It was so enthralling and staggeringly honest. I'm not the only one who has loved it - Becoming has taken the title of 2018's best seller – selling over 2 million copies in the US in just two weeks. During our interview Michelle was happy to discuss everything. From revealing what she really thinks of politics, building and sustaining a strong marriage, her struggles to get pregnant and going through IVF, the impact that politics had on her family and how her upbringing and parents shaped her life growing up

Monday, November 18, 2019

5 Ways To Increase Your Income

Why do we fear public speaking? | Dave Guin


Ever wonder what fighting a bear and public speaking have in common? Professor Guin explains the hunter-gatherer perspective behind why humans fear public speaking more than dying. Professor Guin has a BA in Communication Theory and Process - Interpersonal and Intercultural communication, and a MA in Human Communication - Performance Studies and Communication in the Classroom. Guin has been doing public speaking for almost his entire adult life. He spent 13 years in business before coming back to school to get his degrees. Guin has been a professor of human communication for over twenty years. He describes himself as having “a (self described) mental disorder, with a neurotic need to be omniscient.” This has led him to being a voracious reader, with particular interests in communication, the human brain, and psychology.